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pip install payme-pkg

Unix-based OS

pip3 install payme-pkg


Card Numer: 8600 4954 7331 6478 Expire Date: 03/99 SMS Code: 666666
Card Numer: 8600 0691 9540 6311 Expire Date: 03/99 SMS Code: 666666

Setup (django)

  1. Add 'payme' to your installed apps


  2. Add payme credentials to your settings

    PAYME: dict = {
        'PAYME_ID': 'payme-id',
        'PAYME_KEY': 'payme-key',
        'PAYME_URL': 'payme-checkout-url',
        'PAYME_CALL_BACK_URL': 'your-callback-url', # merchant api callback url
        'PAYME_MIN_AMOUNT': 'payme-min-amount', # integer field
        'PAYME_ACCOUNT': 'order-id',
    ORDER_MODEL = 'your_app.models.Your_Order_Model'

  3. Create a new view that about handling callbacks

    from payme.views import MerchantAPIView
    class PaymeCallBackAPIView(MerchantAPIView):
        def create_transaction(self, order_id, action, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
            print(f"create_transaction for order_id: {order_id}, response: {action}")
        def perform_transaction(self, order_id, action, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
            print(f"perform_transaction for order_id: {order_id}, response: {action}")
        def cancel_transaction(self, order_id, action, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
            print(f"cancel_transaction for order_id: {order_id}, response: {action}")

  4. Add a payme path to core of urlpatterns

    from django.urls import path
    from your_app.views import PaymeCallBackAPIView
    urlpatterns = [
        path("payments/merchant/", PaymeCallBackAPIView.as_view()),

  5. Run migrations

    python makemigrations

🎉 Congratulations you have been integrated merchant api methods with django, keep reading docs. After successfully migrations check your admin panel and see results what happened.